Chinese wealthy can rent stuntmen to serve time in prison

(Image source: Thinkstock)

If you thought you had heard all the possible bizarre things about penitentiary systems around the world, get ready for a new one! According to Slate, wealthy Chinese who are sentenced to prison can hire stuntmen to serve the sentences in their place.

According to the publication, although the practice is not that common - after all, apparently only a small fraction of the population could indulge in this kind of luxury - such transactions are not considered rare either. They have even been part of the culture of this country for hundreds of years and even have a specific name for this “profession”: ding zui (or substitute criminal).

Rental Prisoners

In addition, the values ​​of the employment contract are negotiated between the criminal and the stuntman, with notable cases of people receiving $ 8, 000 for the time they were arrested, and even a stuntman who would have received $ 31 per day of confinement (approximately $ 62).

And in addition to serving sentences, some stuntmen are even hired to replace the rich in executions, receiving large sums of money for it. Apparently such a sacrifice would be made by parents desperate to save starving families.

Source: Slate