River of blood invades streets after ritual sacrifice

Eid al-Adha, also known as the Feast of Sacrifice, is celebrated by Muslims around the world in memory of the prophet Ibrahim - or Abraham, for Christians and Jews.

This year in Dhaka, the Bangladeshi capital, heavy rains flooded the streets, mixing water with the blood of dead animals and creating a frightening “river”

More than a thousand places designated by the local government as conducive to the practice

The creepy images of the river of blood stirred people from every corner of the planet.

The Feast of Sacrifice allows the death of goats, cows, sheep and camels

In addition to the deaths, the sacred ritual - one of the most important in Muslim culture - includes large concentrations of people praying and distributing food to the poor.

Calculating the number of animals killed in this tradition is complicated. However, a 2010 report from Pakistan says that in that year alone 7.5 million animals were sacrificed - and that alone in Pakistan.

The sacrifice is made precisely to feed the underprivileged as a way of promoting social harmony.