Did you know that geese are considered excellent guard dogs?

Remember the scene in Lethal Weapon 3, in which Mel Gibson manages to arrest some bad guys after making friends with a watchdog? Keep in mind that if these animals were “guardian geese”, things could have been quite different for the character. According to National Geographic, geese are the best guard animals.

They have beautiful hearing. Moreover, the sight of this bird is amazing, not only when compared with dogs, but with humans as well. Thanks to an extra light sensor in their eyes, geese can see more clearly than either of us.

Our eyes have three different color sensors that combine to create the image in the brain. Birds have a fourth, which notices a wider range of ultraviolet wavelengths that can be seen. This makes the image sharper and they can better distinguish small size and movement.

No bribes

Geese also have a great sense of territorial power and are not afraid of facing intruders. Unlike dogs, they cannot be fooled with a cookie package, for example. If you try to distract a goose, it will simply squawk louder, alerting the entire flock that is nearby. According to National Geographic, some Chinese police in rural Xinjiang province use this bird to guard the region's police stations.


  • The geese were long domesticated in Egypt as a guard, food, and their feathers served as cushion padding;
  • They are intelligent animals and can become attached to the family; They were brought to America at the time of the colonization of the United States;
  • There are around 40 different geese breeds.