If you had to eat only one food to survive, what would it be?

Everyone is bald to know that it is super important to follow a healthy diet to keep nutrient levels in the body, right? But what if you found yourself in an extreme circumstance where you were forced to eat only one type of food to survive, do you know which item would be a good choice? For if you were unlucky to go through this situation, one of the best options would be potatoes.


(Pixabay / Christos Giakkas)

Firstly, it is worth noting that to survive we need 20 amino acids - nine of which are essential and are not produced by the body, which means that they are obtained through food.

In addition, our bodies need a variety of vitamins and minerals to function properly, so following very nutrient-limited diets can lead to a number of health problems, including scurvy, a disease resulting from severe deficiency. Vitamin C and whose symptoms include poor healing, joint pain, bleeding gums accompanied by swelling and pus, and loss of teeth. Yeah ... very nasty!

Just potato

But back to potatoes, according to Ellen Airhart of Popular Science, these tubers - Solanum tuberosum - contain all the amino acids our bodies need to function properly, so with five units a day we could stay alive for a while. some time. However, a diet consisting solely of common potatoes would eventually cause vitamin deficiencies as well.

Various potatoes

(Pixabay / Patricia Maine Degrave)

But S. tuberosum is not the only potato in existence, is it? To supplement the diet, one could add the sweet potato ( Ipomoea potatoes ) to the menu to include the amounts of vitamin A and E we need to stay healthy. But in order to keep all the body's nutritional needs in balance, you would need to eat a lot - but a lot - of potatoes a day!

To get the recommended amount of protein a day, it would be necessary to consume 25 conventional potatoes ( S. tuberosum ), whereas in order not to suffer from calcium deficiency, one would have to eat 34 sweet potatoes daily - or 84 units of the common variety. We said there were too many tubers for a single person!

Sweet potato

(Pixabay / StockSnap)

Because, in addition to the amount of nausea eating, one important thing to consider about potato overdose is that they are high in starch, a type of carbohydrate that causes blood glucose levels to rise and fall rapidly. - which is not very good. According to Ellen, studies have shown that people who consume large amounts of these tubers are more likely to develop diabetes and become obese.

With all this information in mind - and considering that no sane nutritionist would ever recommend a one-food diet - if you had to choose a single item to survive, potatoes would be the best choice.

* Posted on 9/20/2017