Sinister and curious: watch your fingers flex in a dissected human hand

Have you ever wondered what structures are involved in the movement of your fingers? First, open one of them with your palm facing up and start opening and closing your fingers, as in the image below:

Open and close

Now close your hand again, but bending one finger at a time. Do you have any idea what happens under the skin when you make these movements? According to Rafi Letzter of the Business Insider portal, contrary to what most people can imagine, it is not about muscles that are in our digits, but a structure called “superficial flexor muscle of the fingers”, which is located in the compartment. forearm and extends to the fingers.

Would you like to see this wonder at work? So take a look at the video below, shared on Twitter by the How Things Work! It shows someone "playing" with a dissected human hand, making the index, middle, ring and little fingers bend one by one using tweezers. Check out:

This is how you flex your fingers

- How Things Work (@ThingsWork) February 16, 2017

So, dear reader, don't you agree that the video above is both sinister and very curious?