Only 8% of shared images on WhatsApp are real, study says

Well, by now someone must have warned you that not everything that came to your WhatsApp is reliable, right? So now, teachers Pablo Ortellado (USP) and Fabrício Benvenuto (UFMG), with the Lupa agency, have evaluated 347 messenger groups and have come to the conclusion that only 8% of the shared images are from authentic sources.

In particular, the study kept an eye on the wave of fake news and misinformation that has been plaguing the country lately between September 16 and October 7 - a period relevant to the first round of the 2018 Elections. The sample has monitored groups. for the project “Elections without Fake”, from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). In total 18, 000 users with more than 846, 000 messages were evaluated, including texts, videos, images and external links.

Of the 50 most shared images in the groups studied in this survey, 16% were fake, such as a montage of former President Dilma with Che Guevara. Real photos out of context to support fictional theories, as well as satire and opinion, were classified as inadequate. In total, 56% of the most popular images were considered misleading.


But what to do to prevent this? WhatsApp itself was triggered by Lupa to reduce message forwarding to a maximum of five recipients - currently the limit is 20 people or groups. But the platform considered the proposal unviable. “We disagree. In India, following a string of lynches caused by widespread rumors in the application, WhatsApp was able to implement changes within a few days. Our situation is quite serious. We are also calling on the TSE (Supreme Electoral Court) and other institutions with regulatory power to act, ”the company officially replied.


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Only 8% of shared images on WhatsApp are real, says study via TecMundo