Could your flatulence take you into space? Find out in this video

Here on the earth's surface, the gases we release can only move a sheet of paper or embarrass the flatulent person. But in space, the lack of atmosphere and gravity help propel the farting being to the moon. That is, considering wearing a special suit for the task and a lot of free time, or rather: eternal life.

The trip to the Puns-powered Earth's natural satellite would take about 300, 000 years. Using other similar methods, such as sneezing, would not work well either, as there is not enough mass in this type of gaseous emission to achieve travel speed.

Ground Control to Major Tom

According to the video, the most effective method would be to pee to get enough momentum to travel through space. However, even this method has its problems, as it would require the astronaut to continue urinating at all times and to remain hydrated during the trip.

Better to keep raising money to realize the dream of crossing space using the traditional methods that involve space shuttles. Check out our gallery of astronaut outfits to get inspired for the journey.