Had a mysterious plane been found by Google Earth under the sea in Scotland?

You should know that there is a lot of people with a lot of free time - and a real obsession with finding sinister things - who spend the day scouring every corner of the planet through Google Earth, right? Well, a few days ago, a dedicated member of this gang came out talking to the four winds that he had discovered a mysterious plane apparently diving off the coast of Scotland, more specifically at coordinates 55 ° 57'26 ”N and 3 ° 05'35” W. Was this aircraft one of the many that disappeared around the world without a trace? Had the guy finally found Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 missing in 2014?

Calm down there!

You can go to Google Earth and check out what Robert Morton - the person who identified the plane - found in the coordinates we shared above in more detail, but we've included a snapshot of the following scene for a peek. Anyway, while the possible discovery of a mysterious aircraft aroused international interest, Morton found nothing at all.

Google Earth Map

Look at the plane over there! (Live Science)

That's because, according to Stephanie Pappas of the Live Science website, a Google spokeswoman explained that the images that are made available through the platform consist of mosaics created from captures made by satellites orbiting the earth and photos. aerial, records obtained from the most varied angles and distances.

In addition, the Google Earth team also uses multiple records from each area - sometimes they number in the hundreds and even thousands - to achieve the “continuity” effect we see as we navigate the platform, not to mention that all these images, when combined, aggregate details and help make the visualized regions more defined.

This technique, by the way, allows developers to create sharp images, even when some records were taken on cloudy days or contain shadows. In the case of the plane, what happened is that the aircraft was in transit when one of the records used to assemble the mosaic of that area was captured and, as it is an object that moves at high speeds, that's why we have impression that he is underwater.

In fact, this explanation serves the vast majority of mysterious or slightly sinister things that turn and move are spotted through Google Earth, Google Maps, and similar platforms.


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