Blood Types: Your Relationship to Health and Personality

Human beings are so complex that even blood, which theoretically has the same function in all people, can be classified into several different types. There are four distinct groups of blood, and within this classification there are still the negative and positive ones. What differentiates blood types are the differences in their antigens.

What you may not know is that apparently a person's blood type can define other characteristics about them. The Mother Nature Network has published an article on the distinctive properties of each blood group, based on a number of scientific researches already conducted on it.

Just to give you an idea, this relationship between blood type and health and even personality peculiarities has been studied for many decades, and one of the most representative names in this question of individuality is the Japanese Tokeji Furukawa, who, in 1930, published an article on the personality characteristics of each blood type.

Since then, this relationship between blood type and personality has been taken seriously in Japanese culture - just to give you an idea, the Japanese media informs people about what a "blood type horoscope" would look like. Bizarre, isn't it? The fact is that there is no scientific evidence yet to link a person's blood type to his personality, but it is still curious to know about such a theory.

Before you go around saying that none of this makes sense, be aware that there is a lot of research done by scientists who believe the blood type can give us more information than we thought. We have put together some characteristics released by the Mother Nature Network regarding each blood group for you to draw your own conclusions. Check out the following information and then tell us if it makes sense:

Type A

Blood type A people have antigen A in red cells and B antibodies in plasma. These people can donate blood to types A and AB. So far, nothing new, but it's always good to remember this information.

The fact is that the type of antigen present in one's blood can determine the amount of hormones produced, and in the case of the group A class, stress hormone cortisol may be present in greater quantities. Among the health problems associated with this group is the fact that these people are 20% more likely to develop stomach cancer compared with type O or B, and 5% more likely to develop stomach cancer. compared to type O.

According to a BBC publication, these people are at greater risk of developing smallpox or malaria infections. On the bright side, type A is the least attracting mosquito.

In the almost astrological belief that has to do with personality, those with this blood type are usually sincere, creative, sensitive, reserved, patient and responsible. They are very stubborn and tense people too. So, does that make sense?

Type B

Blood type B has only group B antigens in red cells and type A antibodies in plasma. These people can donate blood to Type B and AB people.

People with this type of blood are 11 percent more likely to have heart attacks than those with type O. A study by Harvard University scientists found that women with type B or AB blood are more likely to develop cancer. of ovary. Those in blood group B also have 50, 000 times more “good” bacteria than people in group A or O, which is good news.

For the “Japanese blood horoscope”, they are passionate, active, creative and very strong people. On the other hand, they are selfish, irresponsible, spiteful and unstable.

Type AB

This blood group has A and B antigens in red blood cells, but it has no A or B antibodies in plasma, so they are universal receptors.

In terms of health, it is known that people in group AB are 23% more likely to have heart disease when compared to type O. Attention women: pregnant women in this blood group may be twice as likely to develop pre -eclampsia, a complication related to blood pressure.

This study, published in a journal in Neurology, found that people with type AB are 82% more likely to have cognitive impairment, especially in areas related to memory, language, and attention. This is believed to be related to a coagulation protein known as factor VIII.

As for personality, Japanese culture believes that carriers of this blood group are fun, controlled, rational and adaptable people. On the other hand, they are also very critical, indecisive, forgotten and irresponsible.

Type O

If your blood is type O, then you have neither antigen A nor B in your red cells, but you have both A and B antibodies in your plasma. Type O positive is the most common; but only the negative is considered a universal donor, which means that those who have this blood type can donate their red cells to anyone other than those who are type AB, who are universal plasma donors.

Carriers of this type of blood are more likely to develop ulcers and, just bizarre, tear the ligaments of the Achilles tendons. These are people with higher risks of cholera as well. The good news is that this group is less likely to have pancreatic cancer, and it is also difficult for these people to die from malaria - thankfully, because Type O is a favorite with mosquitoes.

In the almost superstitious aspect of the thing, they are believed to be confident, determined, strong-willed and very intuitive people. On the other hand, they are also very focused on themselves, cold, unpredictable and potentially addicted to work.


So, did you already know these health-related factors in each group? Do you believe in personality characteristics according to each blood type or do you think one thing has nothing to do with the other? Tell us in the comments!

And since the subject is blood, it is worth remembering the importance of being a donor. Every harvested package can save the lives of more than one person, you know? It's fast, it doesn't hurt and it costs nothing, just a little of your time. During these holidays, when people usually travel, blood centers get less donors, so if you can donate at those times, even better!