Taking a vacation is good for your health, you know?

Now you have one more reason to book your vacation: taking a break is recommended by scientists. Unfortunately, we are conditioned to the idea that the “right” is to work and / or study more and more, almost without rest, to show the good fruits of our productivity and thus receive some kind of recognition.

Behind this reasoning, however, lies a physical, mental and emotional overload. When mind and body are compromised, what happens? Health pays the bill, but in many cases we get the bill when the value is already too high. The truth is that these health problems related to task overload are silent, do not appear overnight.

When we are exposed to stress for long periods, we compromise, among other things, the health of our heart. In 2012, an analysis of the relationship between time off vacation and heart disease revealed that those who work more than eight hours a day are 40% more likely to develop heart disease. The factors that most contribute to this? Stress, lack of rest and sleep.

Other research on the same subject has followed three generations since 1948 to identify the main risk factors for the development of heart disease. Among the results, we see that men who have been without a vacation for several years are 30% more likely to have heart attacks.

Technological advances also contribute to this risky scenario, as it is increasingly common for people to use their work breaks and rest time with a mobile phone, tablet or laptop in hand, often providing work-related information. Such behavior we should review as soon as possible.

Moreover, it has been proven that the human mind yields better when we let it rest from time to time. The more we focus on the same subject, the less quality there will be in our work - this gets even worse as we get older. The truth is that getting a little away from work makes us more productive.

Taking a vacation, as well as being an instant way to improve our mood, is a factor that can help alleviate the symptoms of depression - observational studies have found that resting significantly reduces stress levels, which is a providential factor for good. of our mental health.

According to Dutch psychologist Jessica de Bloom, "People feel healthier during the holidays." And you probably already knew that before anyone even proved it, didn't you? According to her, this happens simply because vacations are usually a period of low tension, when people feel that they have more energy and, consequently, are more satisfied with their lives.

Unfortunately, De Bloom was able to prove something else that you also suspected: with the end of the holidays, the feeling of well-being becomes less intense, so to speak. On the bright side, this rest period provides longer-lasting health benefits. So, isn't it time for you to schedule your next rest period?