Video shows rider spider combat ritual against danger

The spider of the wood species is considered one of the most aggressive in the world. In the video below, we can see how this arachnid has a violent and confrontational trait - making funny combat poses while being teased by the cameraman who records all his movements.

Few people would like to see such a live scene in color, would they? The armorer, also known as the monkey spider or banana tree spider, is extremely violent and considered the most poisonous in the world.

The video was recorded in Costa Rica, but be aware that the species is typically Brazilian and accidents with this spider are quite common here. The bottles like to hide in the clothes and shoes stored in the closets and when bothered can sting several times, without pity or mercy.

Spider-spider bites are not just more common than brown spider bites in Brazil. The species received its popular name for raising its front paws in its attack position. As we can see in the video, the scene is almost ballet - only creepy!