See the transformations a woman's body undergoes during pregnancy

It is a fact that a woman's body undergoes changes during pregnancy. After all, is there anything more obvious than the belly that undoubtedly indicates your condition? However, have you ever stopped to think about the adaptation needed to accommodate the developing baby? In a nutshell, the changes that occur in your body are more dramatic than they seem.

According to Kevin Loria of Business Insider, a team at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry in the USA has created an animation that shows the impact of pregnancy on a woman's body as it adjusts physically and mentally to the changes that occur. during - about - 40 weeks of gestation. Check out:

Transforming body

You can check out the interactive version of the video above through this link, but basically during the first four weeks of pregnancy, the pregnant woman's body begins to produce and release hormones - the estrogen level, for example, increases by a thousand times between fifth and eighth week of pregnancy! -, and the heart rate becomes more intense between the ninth and the 12th week of pregnancy.

It is from the beginning of the second trimester - between the 13th and 16th week - that the fetus begins to move, and it is not uncommon for pregnant women to begin to feel those strange cravings or aversion to certain foods. By 21st and 24th week, the uterus rapidly increases in size and, from 25th to 28th week, the fetus moves around 30 times every hour!

As the fetus develops and grows, it takes up more and more space, the pregnant woman's organs begin to be under pressure, and discomfort is quite significant between the 29th and 32nd weeks of gestation. Then, between the 33rd and 36th week of pregnancy, the muscles and joints of the pelvis become more flexible - until contractions begin, the cervix expands and the baby is born.