See what the peripheries of 15 cities around the world look like

Generally, when buying tour packages, travelers simply know the best-cared regions of their destinations - either for safety reasons or for the greater supply of public services. These locations concentrate most of the historic hotels, restaurants, shops, and real estate and house the major postcards.

However, the vast majority of its inhabitants - and hence the local culture - are far from the sights that are photographed and shared on social networks. Here's what the landscape of some of the world's major urban peripheries looks like:

1. London, UK

2. Buenos Aires, Argentina

3. Paris, France

4. Hong Kong

5. Berlin, Germany

6. New York, United States

7. Delhi, India

8. Mexico City, Mexico

9. Rome, Italy

10. Barcelona, ​​Spain

11. Johannesburg, South Africa

12. Lisbon, in Portugal

13. La Paz, Bolivia

14. Seoul, South Korea

15. Tokyo, Japan

* Posted on 8/23/2017