Tips for those who want to model the body with liposuction

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No matter how much regime or workout you put in, there are certain curves in the body that can only be achieved with a more invasive procedure. Due to genetic or even lifestyle factors, certain chunks tend to settle in unwanted places, preventing you from having the desired guitar silhouette.

No wonder liposuction is the most sought after cosmetic surgery in Brazil in recent years. The most recent data released by the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP), in partnership with the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, state that in 2011, more than 211, 000 such procedures were performed, the most popular among them.

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It is easy to understand the success of surgery among those seeking the perfect body. In just a few hours, it is possible to achieve the desired curves and eliminate that fat that the food restriction could not send away, all with a relatively quick recovery.

However, anyone intending to invest in liposuction in the near future should be aware of some precautions to ensure that the result is successful. There are precautions to be taken before and after surgery that cannot be ignored for the sake of your health.

Check out the following tips and plan a safe liposuction to achieve the body you've always dreamed of.

Before Liposuction

# Liposuction is not a method to lose weight

Those who are overweight should not face liposuction with the solution to their problems. The recipe for taking care of food and exercising constantly is still the most effective solution against overweight and obesity, and the procedure will only be an alternative to body shaping, removing certain fat that the diet has not eliminated.

According to the surgeon Eduardo Vinícius de Oliveira, who is a specialist in plastic surgery and a member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, liposuction is not indicated for those who are overweight, because besides the fat deposited under the skin, there is also fat in the skin. muscles and some organs. Thus, he recommends dietary re-education before any procedure.

It is noteworthy, however, that those who are just a few extra pounds can bet on liposuction as an ally of the diet. According to the doctor, it is possible to safely eliminate up to 7% of body weight, provided the patient is in good health.

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# Have healthy habits before surgery

Taking care of food and paying attention to drug and drug use makes all the difference for those looking for a successful liposuction. Taking certain precautions before the procedure avoids postoperative complications and ensures better results.

Thus, in the preoperative period, avoid excessive consumption of fatty foods and opt for healthier meals. Do not consume too much alcohol and, if you are a smoker, surgeon Eduardo recommends reducing the number of cigarettes to less than half a day to avoid complications. If possible, it is even worth quitting smoking.

Some medications should also be stopped before surgery as they interfere with the healing process and blood clotting. Therefore, be honest about your habits in talking to the doctor and follow the professional's recommendations carefully.

# Take the required exams

Before you can imagine what your new curves will look like, you need to check how your health is doing so that the procedure is safe. Oliveira explains that diseases such as diabetes, thyroid, anemia or hypertension, if not under control, can prevent surgery from occurring.

Thus, it is important to perform all the exams requested, which, according to the doctor, include blood collection, cardiac evaluation and ultrasound of the region to be operated (when necessary). It may also be necessary to go to more specific doctors, such as endocrinologists and rheumatologists.

On the day of surgery, if infections, flu, bronchitis, or asthma arise, the procedure may also be delayed. In this context, the decision will be made by the anesthesiologist.

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# Check if liposuction is right for you

It is not just weight or health changes that can prevent liposuction. According to the surgeon, it is also not indicated for patients who are breastfeeding or who have psychological problems, such as self-image disorders. It is important that the person does not have unrealistic expectations and is not trying to compensate for frustrations with surgery, as in the case of crisis patients who have experienced divorce or job loss, for example.

The doctor also does not recommend that liposuction be performed on those who show indifference to postoperative care or who are users of drugs or prescription drugs without guidance.

# Choose a good time for surgery

When scheduling the procedure, your surgeon recommends choosing periods when you can spend the rest and postoperative care longer. The season can also influence certain aspects. “In colder times, the swelling is smaller, but the pain is greater. In warmer times the opposite occurs. Cooler seasons bring more comfort to wear the shaping strap. However, technically, there is no difference for the postoperative period, ”he explains.

# Opt for a good doctor

A good professional is critical to the success of your surgery. The Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery recommends attention when choosing a doctor, and referrals from friends can make a difference in this process.

Also look for information from official bodies to see the surgeon's training, if he or she specializes in plastic surgery and what his or her complementary courses. The fact that he is accredited to SBCP is another differential that ensures safety in choosing.

Also check to see if the clinic in which he operates is hygienically appropriate and if it supports possible complications during liposuction.

If everything is correct, you can go ahead and perform the procedure.

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After Liposuction

#Follow professional guidance

After liposuction is done, it's not just running to the mirror to check the result. Before you can display the desired curves, care must be taken at least 30 days after surgery.

The doctor should recommend the use of a compression belt, which aims to shape the body and reduce edema. Although it is a little uncomfortable, it is common to have to wear it for at least a month, taking the piece only for bathing.

There are also care that involves stitches, dressings, rest, sun exposure, physical activity and attention to food. These recommendations vary by practitioner and patient outcome, as some people find it easier to heal. But one thing is certain: it will be a while before you can get back to your normal routine.

# Invest in lymphatic drainage

One of the recommendations made by every doctor is that the patient do some lymphatic drainage sessions to speed up recovery. According to the coordinator of Spa Med Sorocaba Campus aesthetic center, Janete da Silva, the treatment mitigates certain aggressions caused by surgery, avoiding pain and assisting in postoperative daily activities.

“After liposuction, which often harms local tissues a lot, fibrosis often occurs, and edema in the liposuction area can lead to pain, ” she explains.

Thus, it is necessary to do at least 10 sessions, being indicated three times a week, with an average duration of one hour. Depending on the body's response, some more may be needed for complete recovery.

It is also worth noting that drainage does not need to be done only after surgery. According to Los Angeles Aesthetic Clinic physiotherapist Manuela Ravaglio, treatment is also important preoperatively, as it prepares tissue for surgery to help remove toxins.

However, the most common is that the sessions begin to be done just 48 hours after liposuction.

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# Aesthetic Treatments That Can Help

The coordinator of Spa Med Sorocaba Campus points out that in the inflammatory phase it is possible to accelerate recovery by betting on techniques other than drainage. “The use of ultrasound in the inflammatory phase is recommended because it improves blood and lymphatic circulation, cell nutrition and hematoma resorption. Depending on the time the surgery was performed, it is possible to do an exfoliation to remove dead cells, as it helps improve tissue, facilitating hydration and stimulating cell renewal, ”she explains.

But be aware: Although the benefits of ultrasound healing have already been proven by studies, the release for the treatment to be used must be done by the surgeon.

# Do not neglect healthy habits

After taking care of yourself in the postoperative period, it's time to enjoy the new curves. However, to keep fit, you must continue to eat healthy and exercise to avoid fighting with the tape again.

As doctor Eduardo de Oliveira teaches, the recipe for keeping fit is simple (at least in theory): dietary rehabilitation accompanied by moderate exercise, especially aerobic exercise.

It is noteworthy that only surgery does not guarantee the body of dreams. It is necessary to constantly work the muscles and avoid fatty foods on the menu to prevent the adipose layer, or the dreaded love handles, from forming again.