See on the map the area in which more than half of the world's population is

The map you just saw outlines, simply and directly, what area of ​​our planet is where more than half of the world's population lives. The caption simply says " There are more people living inside this circle than outside it, " in free translation, and although it is a simple circle, there are several conclusions we can draw from just watching it a little more carefully.

According to valeriepieris, who created the map and posted it on the reddit site, in addition to having more people living within this circle than outside it, there are also more Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists concentrated in this area than outside it. Interestingly, this circle contains the least densely populated country on the planet - Mongolia - and is an area made up of more water than land.

What is most interesting about the map - or more precisely, about the circle - is that, despite its simplicity, it has the power to spark countless discussions, whether it be about the history of population expansion, different regimes of government, political ideologies, religions, culture and demographic density, to name a few. And you, reader, what conclusions can you draw by analyzing the bounded area on the map?