Time traveler passes lie detector test

What would you ask about the future to someone who claims to have come from it? What kind of curiosities come first to your mind? Would you have questions about politics, education, economics? Would you ask about some kind of war or perhaps the unfolding crisis? Would you like to know something in particular about your life, your family, your friends?

Perhaps the current time traveler, an anonymous who identified himself only as Noah, does not have answers to all his questions, especially the most personal ones, but this boy, who claims to have come straight from the year 2030, has undergone a test. performed with a lie detector and, to our surprise, the machine did not point out untruths in the things he said.

Noah says he's 50 years old, and his youthful appearance is due to drugs of the future that slow our aging - that's good news, let's face it.

During his participation on a TV show, Noah was asked about the evidence about his statements and predictions. Claiming that the presentation of evidence would eventually provoke a paradox, our future consultant chose not to prove anything he has been saying.

And what will be tomorrow?

Among his predictions are electric cars that will take people to Mars in 2028 (look, Elon Musk!), The popularization of time travel and, believe it or not, Donald Trump's reelection to the US presidency.

According to Noah, there are already time travelers who have been wandering between periods for 15 years, but this has been kept secret so far. Its purpose is precisely to warn us about the topic and tell us this kind of experience.

It is worth noting that even though his claims were not flunked by the lie-detecting machine, this type of detector is not a reliable method for verifying discourse. And you, what do you think about all this?