Have you ever wondered what the world would be like without humans?

It says in the Bible, more specifically in the book of Genesis, that God created man on the sixth day. And if He had not done this nonsense or if the evolution of species had stopped before Homo sapiens, what would our world be like today?

The answer seems a bit too complex. However, a group of Danish researchers from the University of Aarhus decided to analyze what the Earth would look like from the diversity of large mammals (over 45 kg). The result can be seen in the diagram below:

From the image above, we can see that the largest diversity of large mammals would be in South America and North America. Australia had few species of large mammals, most of them concentrated in coastal regions.

Europe would be dominated by wolves, moose and bears, but would have room for rhinos and elephants. The scientists' conclusion is that, on the whole, the earth would be very similar to Serengeti - an African ecosystem found in northern Tanzania and southwestern Kenya, which concentrates about 70 species of large mammals and over 500 types of species. birds.

For comparison, you can see what the diversity of large mammals look like today:

The current high concentration of mammals in Africa is due more to the little predatory action of man in this region than to its ecosystem, the scientists analyze. Therefore, in the chart released above, the largest variety of mammals would be in mountainous regions, which would provide a natural refuge for these animals.

* Posted on 8/31/2015


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