Do you know how to earn a person's trust?

1 - Show that you recognize the value of the other person

We are not talking about giving simplistic compliments, because anyone can do it, but demonstrating in practice that you recognize how much you can add to your team when developing a project for the job, for example.

Find a way to show this, whether it's directing a task or giving a voice to a person during a meeting - the important thing is for them to feel that you recognize their value. From there, she will feel connected to you.

2 - Tell a personal story

When you tell a personal story about yourself, something that has marked your childhood in a positive and / or fun way, you have a feeling that you have a different level of intimacy with you that goes beyond what you have with others. Office people. Knowing something intimate, albeit superficial, that involves your personal life and family members is certainly a way of gaining one's trust.

3 - Create an Engagement

To make someone trust you, you need to get out of the surface and try to understand what reasons are behind the attitude that person usually takes. You must show real interest and understand that person's points of view and thus develop empathy for them.

Ask questions, try to understand what happened, how it happened, what the person saw, what they heard, what they think is true. One should not argue, interrupt or show doubt while she is speaking. When someone feels heard and understood, trust is built much more easily.

4 - Be careful, however.

This whole process of building trust releases a substance in the brain called oxytocin, which is a hormone that helps us build bonds with other people.

It is important to pay attention and be careful, however, because in addition to building trust oxytocin also creates envy, and this is never good. Trust is hard to manage, and you have to be smart and try not to make the person see you as too big a person to want to pull on your rug.