Do you have an idea what it's like to be a human cannonball? [video]

If there is a circus attraction that can make many people apprehensive, this is certainly the launch of the human cannonball. For those who have always been curious to know what it feels like to be part of this presentation, the video in the window that opens this news gives an idea of ​​how it is.

Mashable has invited Gemma Kirby, a 25-year-old circus artist who works for Ringling Bros. ' Circus XTREME, to show what it feels like to be launched about 12 meters into the air by a cannon. To this end, she fitted a GoPro camera to her head, which was responsible for capturing the girl's fast ride.

What did you think of the experience? Would you dare to do something like that? Leave your opinion in the space for comments.

Via TecMundo