10 lifehacks to make your life even easier and more practical

Life is not easy for anyone. But how about making it a little less complicated with some tips - also called “lifehacks” or “life tricks” - that will make your day to day life much easier? And best of all: without requiring you to make a lot of effort.

1. Don't let the bird escape

Use part of the key chains that you no longer use to fasten the zipper on your unzipped pants.

2. Just steal from your girlfriend

Steal your girlfriend's hair piranha to keep the phone wires neat.

3. Older than backward but works

Paper clips are also excellent for keeping the threads organized.

4. Nutella ending? Put ice cream and it's settled

Nutella almost over? Complete the pot with ice cream and be happy!

5. Learning to drink water correctly

Learn how to drink water regularly by setting times in your bottles.

6. “Look at me again helping the beers stay in place”

Important: Keep the beers always organized in the refrigerator with the help of a paper clip.

7. How to remove the poisonous part of strawberry

Using a stiff straw, you can take the "poisonous" part of the strawberry and eat it without fear.

8. For anyone who collects a damaged CD holder

You don't even have to be Asian to make these folds to store your CDs.

9. “Look at me again helping the keyboard stay in place”

Paper clips are also great for replacing the broken keyboard "little feet".

10. No more carpet dancing

Use velcro to keep the rugs in place.