11 animals that look out of horror movies

The nature is really fantastic. While toasting us with pandas, koalas and kittens, she also has poodle-like moths, lobster-like caterpillars, fictional ogres-like fish and demon-named lizards!

Below, we selected 11 animals beyond scary that even the most creative minds in Hollywood wouldn't be able to breed. Just don't have nightmares about the star-nosed mole's tentacles kissing you at night in bed, huh?

And if you like the list, you can check out other relationships we've already published here: there are the ugliest dogs in the world, weird animals that humans eat, some scary animals that are harmless, bizarre animals from Australia (which deserve a only for them), besides, of course, the one who was elected the ugliest animal on the planet.

And fear not: certain ugly creatures risk extinction. But not all animals cause fear, we also put together lists of animals that are just different: here and here.

1. Cyclops shark

A genetic deformity could have made this little shark born with only one eye! While this is even possible for humans, the fact that the animal has an eye in the center of its forehead is worthy of trash fiction movies. To make matters worse, besides one-eyed, the animal is still albino. What's more, he was still in his mother's womb, captured by a fisherman in Mexico.

2. Goliath Tiger Fish

He is also known as a river monster, so you can imagine he really causes fear. Goliath tiger fish can weigh over 35 kg and cannibalise when very hungry. That is, never swim casually in the waters of the Congo River in Africa, where this little dark creature lives.

He is so scary that we talked about him in this article and showed him again snapping swallows in flight!

3. Moth-poodle

This species of moth was discovered in 2009 in Venezuela, but there is still little information available about it. His hairy paws intrigue scientists.

4. Lobster Moth

After turning into a moth, she's kind of cute. But while it's just a larva, it looks like a lobster and is bizarre.

5. Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko

This one has the Beelzebub even in the name! Its leaf-like tail helps the bug mingle in the trees and attack its victims, which include crickets and moths. She also has small horns and red eyes, hence her name.

6. Shrek Fish

Who gets the nickname "Shrek" should not be one of the most beautiful creatures in the universe, right? This species of fish can be found in some eastern seas.

7. Snake shark

Practically a dinosaur that survived the apocalypse: fossils of this shark that were over 80 million years old have been found! He eats fish and other sharks, with his jaw showing about 300 teeth. Nevertheless, it is rarely seen by humans because it inhabits the ocean floor.

8. Marabou

Another scary African bug is the marabou, which belongs to the stork family. In addition to standing over 1 meter tall and weighing almost 10 kg, he has this bag under his nose to terrorize any children's story about the origin of babies. To make matters worse, the marabou still has a bad reputation for being aggressive and feeding on other animals.

9. Tube-nosed bat

Only 6 cm long, this species of bat has scary eyes and nostrils, which, together with its pointed ears, give the flying mammal a demonic look. But rest easy: besides inhabiting only distant places like the Philippines, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea, they eat fruit.

10. Naked Mole Mouse

Just by name we can expect a bizarre, right? The naked mole rat spends most of its time underground and has a much longer lifespan than other rats. It also has great resistance to pain and is virtually immune to diseases such as cancer.

11. Star-nosed Mole

With that face, she looks like a being from another planet. The tip of his muzzle features 22 “tentacles” that help you walk in the dark, especially in the underground tunnels. But so much power in touch cost another sense: they are blind. Star-nosed moles are found in North America.

* Posted on 7/15/2015


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