13 travel photos that would never be shared on social networks

Traveling, as we have already shown here, is a most beneficial investment for anyone's life, and photographing these moments is a very particular way of making them eternal through images. Some tourists, however, ended up registering or leading somewhat unusual situations in their endeavors around the world. Here are some hilarious examples:

1. When the angle is not very favorable

2. That moment when you regret having asked a stranger to take a picture

3. Unexpected Revelations

4. Photographic decapitation

5. He climbed the mountain without binding his hair and deeply lamented

6. Panoramic Photos: The Biggest Challenge of the 21st Century

7. "I asked my boyfriend to take a picture of me, and that was the result. I can't stop laughing."

8. Damn intruders

9. Question of Focus

10. When you are in a sari, remember to close the car window

11. The classic finger in the picture

12. The ride is the same, but the emotions are completely different

13. Why is it not a good idea to feed wild animals


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