What Happens When 100 People Taste the World's Stinkiest Fruit

We have already spoken here at Mega about durian fruit, known to be extremely fetid and not taste exactly tasty. It is quite possible that you have never eaten this beauty, just as it is difficult to find someone who has already had this taste experience.

WatchCut Video people decided to screw up 100 people who were introduced to durian for the first time in their lives. Initially, the victims were asked to smell the fruit and say how they felt about it.

Not surprisingly, no one had heard of durian before, and the olfactory comparisons were hilarious: cheese, testicles, trash, poop, mango, pineapple, butt, gasoline, mold, foot and so on.

Would you try it?

When we try the fruit, what we see are many faces, expressions of nausea and people spitting durian in the trash. The taste, according to the volunteers, was compared to different things too: onion, garbage, coconut, pineapple, mango, carrot, yogurt, popcorn, chicken, egg, sweet potato, cheese, garlic, coffee and even nail polish! A few people really liked the taste.

Despite its lack of approval, durian is a nutritious fruit rich in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is a food that can give us energy quickly and, because it is rich in fiber, is very good for the functioning of the intestines.

The fruit is also rich in vitamin C, potassium and essential amino acids such as tryptophan. If you are brave and have the opportunity, try durian without fear and, if possible, disgust. If you have ever eaten this peculiar fruit, tell us about the experience.