16 Interesting Facts About Depression

No wonder a campaign the size of Yellow September has been created: it is high time we left the taboos aside and started talking more about important issues such as mental health and depression. Contrary to what we are used to hearing and, in some cases, thinking, depression is not an excuse or "freshness." Depression is a disease and needs to be treated as such. Here are some facts about her:

1 - Worldwide, 350 million people of all age groups have the disease;

2 - Women are twice as likely to develop serious cases of depression as men;

3 - Antidepressants are up to 54% effective in treating depressive symptoms, so it is essential to seek psychiatric help;

4 - Depression increases up to four times the number of dreams a person has;

5 - Severe depression can cause a person to age faster;

6 - In the USA, one in eight adolescents has clinical depression;

7 - Research has already confirmed that comedians and funny people are more depressed than the rest of individuals;

8 - Currently, the number of people with the disease is ten times higher than the index of 1945;

9 - It is also known that spending a lot of time on the internet increases our chances of developing depression, feeling lonely and unstable mindset;

10 - The country that consumes the most antidepressants is Iceland;

11. Abraham Lincoln was depressed and avoided carrying knives for fear of hurting himself;

Both elephants and chimpanzees may behave similarly to those suffering from post-traumatic stress and depression;

13 - In percentage terms, France is the most depressed country in the world: there, 20% people have had the disease;

14 - Freud recommended that his patients treat depression, alcoholism and morphine addiction with cocaine use;

15 - Like antidepressants, feelings of gratitude also release dopamine and serotonin;

16 - The practice of physical activities not only relieves the symptoms of the disease, but also helps prevent its onset.


Talking about depression is important, but just as fundamental as this discussion is seeking help in presenting the first symptoms of the disease. If this is your case, make an appointment for a psychiatric appointment and, if possible, with a psychologist as well.