The hilarious routine of having 3 or more pets

1. Who has three or more pets does not have a bad mood

2. They are inseparable accomplices of the children

3. Produce scenes that can elicit numerous sighs and likes

4. Obligate to buy the largest bed for sale on the market

5. Lack of space becomes a recurring problem

6. And show that harmonious coexistence with other species is possible

7. Taking photos becomes as commonplace as drinking water.

8. Sleep well accompanied ends up being part of the routine

9. The dispute for the same toy gets tougher

10. The living room sofa gains the official hangout status

11. Friction, sooner or later, naturally ends up happening.

12. In times of protection, loneliness is a word that ceases to exist

13. And your mealtimes turn into a big event

14. It's ... Having too many pets can be a little more expensive.

15. But it is undoubtedly an investment whose return in the form of love is more than immediate.