23 animals caught with mouth in cylinder

1 - It's no use being cute and pretending nothing happened

2 - When cats want to get rid of their humans, they are capable of everything.

3 - Looks like someone was upset about not being invited to breakfast

4 - This miscrean didn't even try to fake regret

5 - There are no arguments against

6 - That look of satisfaction after a well-executed crime

7 - Possessive Thief

8 - He even tried to pretend that he had not committed the offense, but was not convincing

9 - Hello, human, you here?

10 - He certainly claimed that the vessel fell with the wind.

11 - Hello, human, I was just checking if this bag was ok

13 - Not Always Time to Finish Evidence of Crime

14 - He said he was just driving away the flies

15 - Right eye closed and left open: Pretending to sleep to commit crime

16 - He just needed to sign some papers

17 - Who did this to the couch?

18 - Stealing child fish

Just preparing a cake for tea time

20 - Has experience in the art of stealing

21 - The milk thief

22 - Using cute animal eyes as an attempt at redemption

23 - Looks like someone had a rough day


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