5 crazy people taking photos of very high places

1 - Alexander Remnev is Russian - had to be - and is 19 years old. The boy took several photos with a friend on his trip to Dubai, but what is most striking is that the images were taken from the city's large skyscrapers.

When Remnev went to Hong Kong, instead of resting, he looked for more risky places to take pictures.

2 - Londoner Harry Gallagher is not far behind. At just 17, the boy also enjoys having fun taking pictures of high places

3 - Since this list had to have at least two Russians, here it goes. Kirill Oreshkin, aka Russian Spider-Man, takes selfies and hangs in the most unlikely places. He is 19 years old and lives in Moscow.

More photos can be seen on your Facebook profile.

Mustang Wanted is the pseudonym of a 28-year-old who lives in the city of Quieve, Ukraine, and has a hobby of climbing and hanging in high places.

There is even a compilation with some crazy things he did on his Youtube channel:

5 - The last freak on the list is James Kingston from the UK. He is 24 years old and has the courage to take photos like the ones we found on his Facebook

This is James's profile.

Bonus - If you wondered how this is possible when viewing any of the photos, here's the answer. Watch a demonstration of how these young people rise in such high places.