5 reasons that will cause a headache in the future (and some have started)

The “Future of Headache” research, commissioned by Neosaldina®, a headache pain reliever brand, and conducted by WGSN Mindset, the consulting division of the leading global trend research firm, WGSN, points to the era of anxiety., brain exhaustion, post-truth pain, self-demandingness, and noise like the five headache trends in the future.

Conducted in March this year, the study was based on population behaviors, and the result shows that most headache triggers are related to known external issues such as stress and lack of sleep, but also to emotional factors. and the increasing influence of technology on routine.

“It's important to note that triggers may vary from individual to individual. Thus, it is necessary for the person to observe how the body reacts to the different stimuli of the routine, which helps in the more assertive diagnosis of the type of headache ”, highlights Dr. Célia Roesler, director of the Brazilian Headache Society and vice-versa. coordinator of the Headache Scientific Department of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology.

Understand each of the 5 trends:

1. The age of anxiety

In Brazil, the World Health Organization estimates that 9.3% of the population suffers from anxiety, which puts the country first in the list of those with the disease in the world. As a consequence, the condition becomes a social and public health concern. “Anxiety disorder is marked by symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, sleep problems, excessive worrying and the use of food as an escape valve. It can also cause pain without physical justification, such as the headache itself, ”explains psychologist Juliane Peres Mercante, a headache specialist and doctor from the Psychiatry department of Hospital das Clínicas.

According to the research, to combat this scenario, it is important to invest in moments of social interaction that provide calm, spaces that reduce anxiety and techniques to relax and improve the quality of sleep.


2. Brain Exhaustion

In a connected world where the virtual is the real, focus becomes a challenge. More and more people are creating a culture of distraction, in which they try to pay attention to everything at the same time, but are not effectively focused. “Information overload, especially as digital content consumption increases, can lead to brain exhaustion and increased stress. Both situations can trigger a headache and must be tackled by betting on a healthier and more balanced lifestyle, ”stresses Dr. Célia.


3. The pain of posttruth

According to the Oxford Dictionary, post-truth can be defined as the situation in which facts have less influence on public opinion than appeal to emotion and personal beliefs. That is, more and more people treat facts as opinions, discarding those they do not like. “The relentless pursuit of what is 'real' can create moments of stress and tension, leading to a possible headache, ” adds Dr. Juliane. The survey results recommend that people try to use technology to their advantage, betting on solutions that help them to verify, for example, what is and is not true.

post truth

4. Self Requirement

The pursuit of perfectionism is constant and contributes to increased anxiety in the population, according to a study by the University of Bath and York St John University. At the same time, the population associates excess activity and productivity with personal and professional success.

Such self-demands have created a culture of the “perfect, ” which is detrimental to health, especially when it comes to food. “Self-requirement is directly related to food and in the flow of 'I have to be good at everything', the concept of eating well is constantly confused. Eating healthy includes consuming what we like and in a balanced way. In the absence of any nutrients, restrictive diets or bowel malfunction and digestive problems, the body can react and trigger a headache, ”warns nutritionist Marcia Daskal.


5. Noise 2.0

Noises increased exponentially and, as a result, distress and stress got worse. And that noise has caused more than just irritation: World Health Organization results show that 3% of heart attacks and fatal heart strokes in Europe are caused by traffic noise. “In addition to impairing hearing, excessive noise can lead to sleep disturbances, stress and psychological problems - some of the main conditions for the onset of pain. People need to ensure ways to have quiet moments in their routine, whether at work, on the street or at home, ”adds Dr. Célia.



For Julia Curan, WGSN Mindset Consultant, the research draws attention to very impacting issues in the daily life of the population: “The trends discovered are already a reality, and the forecast is that they only intensify in the coming years. Therefore, we need to pay more and more attention at what points external influences can help or hurt, triggering a headache, ”he explains.

“We understand the impact of a headache on people's lives. Therefore, we always seek to innovate and bring data and studies that help improve the daily lives of people who suffer from the condition. The goal of the research was to anticipate what tends to generate discomfort in the future, allowing people to invest in ways to prevent headache, ”adds Abner Lobão, Takeda's Director of Scientific Affairs Brazil and LATAM.

* Via advisory