The Hedgehogs' Secret Life in Images That Will Melt Your Heart

If there is a person really in love with hedgehogs, she goes by the name Eremina Elena

(Author: Eremina Elena)

With a lot of creativity, this Russian photographer has created amazing scenery to set a series of images of her pets.

(Author: Eremina Elena)

Like this kitchen where they can get their hands dirty

(Author: Eremina Elena)

A supermarket where they can shop and not worry about paying the bill

(Author: Eremina Elena)

A toilet for them to take a delicious and invigorating shower

(Author: Eremina Elena)

A studio where they can express their artistic skills

(Author: Eremina Elena)

A soccer field for the thorny to play that naked

(Author: Eremina Elena)

And even a space for them to show off their strategy game skills

(Author: Eremina Elena)

Other animals participated in the photos of the artist: it was the case of Sonic, the most famous hedgehog of all

(Author: Eremina Elena)

And this curious kitten, who was crazy to participate in the rehearsal

(Author: Eremina Elena)

To know other works of the photographer, just check her profile on 500px

(Author: Eremina Elena)