Adults with children are less likely to die prematurely

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According to The Atlantic, a study by Danish researchers found that childless adults are four times more likely to die prematurely than people with children. And your parents complaining that you only give work!

During the study, scientists evaluated a group of 21, 276 couples who underwent fertility treatments, comparing those who had children with those who did not. The research covered a 14-year period, with more than 15, 000 children being born thanks to the treatments and another 1, 500 being adopted by couples who were unsuccessful with the procedures.

Biological vs. foster children

The researchers found that the rate of premature deaths among childless women was four times higher than those who gave birth, and that those who adopted children had a two-thirds higher mortality rate than birth mothers. . Parents also showed variations, their rates being halved among both those who had biological children and those who chose to adopt.

According to the researchers, all deaths were attributed to circulatory problems, accidents or cancer, and aspects such as age, family income and education level had no significant influence on the results. Although the study did not find a cause relationship for this variation, the authors concluded that childless adults are more likely to die earlier.