Apparently flossing makes no difference to mouth health - will it?

Strange news took everyone by surprise in the United States: Suddenly, US health officials abandoned their recommendation for flossing, claiming that there is no scientific evidence that maintaining this oral hygiene habit would be beneficial.

Currently, the recommendation is to floss at least once a day, but it may soon be gone. Experts on the subject said that flossing did not ultimately prevent tooth decay or gum disease.

The Telegraph sought to hear from UK dentists on the subject and, to our surprise, they agreed: flossing is not a habit that has great benefits for our oral health. Instead, they recommend the use of thin bristle toothbrushes that can clean the region between the teeth.

And now Jose?


According to Professor Damien Walmsley of the British Dental Association, flossing is recommended when you have very close teeth and there is no room for these thin-bristled toothbrushes to penetrate.

Studies conducted over the past decade had already concluded that flossing is unreliable and with insufficient results. For London Health Secretary Diane Abbott, the information that we should floss every day only benefited the manufacturers of the product.

Flossing was invented in the early 19th century, and its first official patent was issued in 1874 - since then, dentists around the world have come to recommend its use. In fact, improper flossing can hurt your gums and damage your teeth. When the gums hurt and bleed, for example, flossing can lead bacteria into the bloodstream and cause infections.



On the other hand, dental professionals say that it is too early to say that flossing has no benefit and that the lack of conclusive studies about it does not justify the advice of giving up the habit.

To Dr. Matthew Messina, spokesman for the American Dental Association, research on the subject is very poor indeed, but he believes flossing should be used: “We need to remove bacteria from the teeth, gums and the region. between the teeth ”. He also states that there are not many studies on the subject because daily flossing was already a general recommendation and, for financial reasons, it was better to invest in other research.

“No one has done a study to say that using a parachute when jumping off an aircraft is safer than not using a parachute. I will continue to use the parachute because we know it will work. It's all a matter of perspective, ”he continued. Do you agree or will you floss today?