Learn a simple method to save money without having to earn more

When it comes to money, there is no point in denying: everyone is interested. With the New Year knocking on the door, many people took advantage of the hopeful weather of the date to make a short list of goals for 2015. If you made yours, tell us: Is saving part of the plan?

Although your answer to the above question was yes, saving money is not a very easy task, especially if the budget does not allow it. The beginning of each month brings a world of bills: rent, condominium, telephone, internet, gym, college, new car parcel and so on. It's really complicated to think about saving money when math seems to go against your plans.

If you want to change this situation without having to work twice or stop paying the bills, how about trying a new economics tactic? Life Hacker suggests that we do the “one percent challenge, ” which is apparently the best way to make a savings without earning more or spending a lot less.

As well? Is it witchcraft?

You have probably grown up with the idea that it is ideal to save at least 10% of your salary - if that's possible, great. The problem is that 10% is too much, in most cases, and that person who doesn't have a very high salary ends up failing to make any kind of savings.

According to Afford Anything, people have a habit of believing that they don't earn enough to make a savings. When faced with an economic challenge, we tend to make money selling things or finding extra jobs. The truth is that at the time of squeezing we always find a way.

The magic formula

Have you ever thought then how amazing it would be to solve stress-free financial problems? Have you ever imagined not having to sell your assets or resort to high interest loans? Most people apologize for saying they use every penny of their salary every month. The truth, however, is that your bills are hardly the exact amount of your salary.

If saving 10% of your total income is too much, how about trying to save 1% of the amount you receive monthly for working? If your salary is $ 2, 000, start by saving $ 20 in the first month. In the second month, save 2% of your salary. And month by month, increase that amount a little. Surprisingly, you will find that you can save much more than you thought.

We know this sounds like a math teacher lecture, but if you think you can't save 10% of your income right off the bat, start with this challenge. It may seem silly to save $ 20 on savings, but it is a way for you gradually to realize that you can save and that probably your salary is not fully committed, as you believed. So, do you think it's worth a try?