The calories of sweeties

Who never escaped the diet with a few extra brigadeiros at a birthday party or weekend after lunch when they saw that wonderful dessert?

Birthdays, weddings, baby and bridal showers and even Sunday lunches are a big challenge for those on a diet. It's hard to resist so many options - those little temptations of all colors and flavors - but there is always a way out.

If you don't want to give up the sweets, but you won't leave the summer operation aside either, it's important to keep track of the calories in each food. That way you'll be able to make worthwhile exchanges or know how to spend the extra calories on exercise.

How much is a brigadier worth?

To help you better understand what that extra piece of cake or the peck you have eaten means more than knowing the number of calories, it is important to understand how much effort it will take to make up for unplanned sweeties. in the diet.

This in no way means that you should give up eating what you like from time to time. It's just a stimulus for a conscious (and tasty!) Exchange to keep you at peace with the scale and the mirror.

1 brigadeiro (15 g) = 40 kcal

To disappear with a brigadier would have to jump rope for about 5 minutes at a moderate pace.

1 well-married (25 g) = 140 calories

Not to feel the effects of a well-wed, 30-minute walk or a moderate-speed bike ride will do the trick.

1 slice of stuffed cake (100 g) = 325 calories

A simple slice of cake will need 30 minutes of running on uneven ground or up and down stairs.

1 cameo of nuts (15 g) = 70 calories

To consume the weightless cameo in consciousness, invest in 30 minutes of stretching or 15 minutes of water aerobics.

The bad guys and the good guys

Now that you have an idea of ​​the effort needed to burn the fat that these treats hide, check out which are the most calorie goodies and the ones that are friends with your diet:

Good guys

  • Cajuzinho unit (15 g) = 23 calories
  • Kid's foot (20 g) = 46 calories
  • Homemade cheese (25 g) = 52 calories

  • Mother-in-law's eye (20 g) = 60 calories
  • Sigh (50 g) = 75 calories
  • Good Bite (30 g) = 91 calories
  • Fruit Salad (150 g) = 172 calories


  • Cocada unit (85 g) = 219 calories
  • Passion fruit mousse (70 g) = 255 calories
  • Quindim (50 g) = 291 calories
  • Fruit salad with whipped cream (150 g) = 375 calories
  • Lemon Pie with Sigh (100 g) = 444 calories
  • Caramelized Banana (1 unit) = 476 calories
  • Dulce de leche dream (85 g) = 573 calories

Lights and diets options

Another great way not to stick to the diet is to resort to skinny candies, ie the light and diets versions of the goodies. So you can taste your favorite sweets without having to worry so much about the balance.

To help with this endeavor, stick to two recipes, one light and one diet, and enjoy your diet in a healthy and low-calorie way.

light Brigadeiro


For light condensed milk:

  • 1 cup of sweetener powder
  • 3/4 cup of hot water
  • 1 cup of skimmed milk powder
  • 1/2 tbsp light margarine
  • Vanilla Essence Drops

To the brigadier:

  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 2 cups dietary condensed milk
  • 2 tbsp diet flavored chocolate pudding powder
  • 1/2 cup nonfat milk
  • 1 bar (40 g) of melted diet chocolate
  • 1 teaspoon light margarine
  • 1 gem

To the roof:

  • 1 bar (40 g) grated diet chocolate

Method of preparation

Light Condensed Milk:

Put all ingredients in a blender and beat well, then refrigerate for 12 hours.


In a saucepan, mix cocoa powder with condensed milk, pudding powder, skim milk, melted chocolate and light margarine. Bring to low heat, stirring constantly until thickened. Remove from heat and add the yolk passed through the sieve. Stir well, bring to the heat again until unglued from the bottom of the pan. Put the dough in a shallow dish and let it cool. Roll up the brigadeiros.


Place the grated chocolate on a flat plate and pass the brigadeiros, then arrange in paper cups and serve.

Diet Passion Fruit Mousse


For the mousse:

  • 1 cup of skim milk
  • 1 cup of nonfat natural yogurt
  • 1 cup concentrated passion fruit juice
  • 1 can of light cream
  • 1/2 cup of culinary sweetener
  • 1 envelope of unflavored gelatin powder
  • 1/2 cup of water

For the syrup:

  • 1 passion fruit pulp
  • 3 tbsp culinary sweetener
  • 1 and 1/2 cups of water

Method of preparation


Beat all ingredients in a blender (except water and gelatin). Moisturize the gelatin in 1/2 cup of cold water. Microwave for 15 seconds. Add to the blender cream, beat some more. Put in a refractory and refrigerate for about 3 hours.


Bring everything to the fire, stirring constantly until thickened. Then let it cool and pour over the already consistent mousse.

These and many other tasty (and low calorie!) Recipes you can find at Tudo Gostoso.