Brazil will break world record with 2 million people in a flash mob

Flash mobs are presentations that bring together large numbers of people in everyday situations. These individuals often combine the details of what they will present to each other: anything goes, from music to theatrical performances.

Brazil is planning the largest flash mob in history to be held during Pope Francis' visit. According to the portal G1, the presentation will have more than 2 million people, on the 28th, during World Youth Day.

The music that will be the theme of the event was specially made for the occasion and the producers said that the chosen rhythm was rock. The song, composed by Kledir Ramil, Dudu Trentin and Edson Erdmann, has as its main point to welcome the Pope. According to Erdmann, who is also the producer of the event, the music is already playing on some Catholic radio stations and the choreography will be very simple.

If you are going to attend the event and would like to learn the steps, check out the following video, which teaches everything right. Then tell us what you think of this idea.