Dirty car never again! Automotive Nanotechnology Paint Can Clean Itself

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Do you know those dirty cars where you can create designs with dust accumulated on your bodywork? For if a project at the Eidhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands succeeds commercially, in a few years it will no longer be so common. This is a special paint that is being developed with materials that can prevent any buildup, while adhering enough to be applied to cars.

The materials involved in the system have not been revealed, but they are known to be nanocapsules capable of 'self-regenerating' when exposed to the sun, which ensures that cars (or other painted objects) are almost immune to dirt and small particles. Scratches that can occur - Of course, wrinkles are not avoided because of the paint, but small scratches can be easily erased.

The project is still in the testing phase and there is no forecast for its commercial application in this decade. The researchers say that in addition to clean cars, the paint can also ensure that solar panels and other hard-to-clean objects stay clean longer.

Source: Wired