With a simple exercise you can get rid of negative thoughts.

Psychologist Tim Wilson recently spoke to Business Insider about negative thoughts that keep hammering our minds. Wilson referred more specifically to those who are recurring because of a bad experience that struck us for some reason, even though it has happened a long time ago.

According to the expert, some past experiences prevent us from finding balance in the present moment, so learning to deal with them is critical.

He explains that a very effective way to stop these negative thoughts that pull us down is to do a relatively simple writing exercise, although it seems complicated.

Paper and pen

Basically, for three days, all you have to do is write, over 15 minutes, on a piece of paper, what are these negative thoughts that disturb your life and why they keep hammering in your mind over and over. This exercise was developed by psychologist James Pennebaker and is already proven effective.

It may seem like a torturous exercise - and we know that touching the wound is not necessarily the funniest thing in the world - but it is important that you stand firm, even if you feel a little bad for those 15 minutes a day, and remain deeply focused on those thoughts that hurt you.

It doesn't matter if your writing comes out a bit unreliable at first - what is at stake is not literary skills. The fact is that after three days of the same exercise, people tend to see this negative event differently and understand it better as well, which makes them stop thinking about it so often.

As a result, these people even have improvement in their immune systems. So, isn't it time for you to try this exercise too?