How things work in 20 GIFs

1. How does a lock work?

2. When you swallow something

3. How ants walk

4. A baby's face developing in the womb

5. The way ladybugs fly

6. A growing dandelion

7. How the sound comes out of a trumpet

8. A black hole devouring a star

9. Number of flights in one day

10. Pythagoras' theorem (a² + b² = c²)

11. How are camouflaged objects made

12. The way plants find support

13. Teeth Being Corrected With Braces

14. How Dogs Drink Water

15. A zipper closing

16. A spider hunting

17. Sewing Machine Running

18. Spring Falling

19. Popcorn Popping

20. Crocodile coming out of the water.

* Originally posted on 7/10/2016.