“DJs of the future” are programming instead of using pickup discs

That traditional image of a DJ mixing two turntables on a soundboard withstood CDs, computers, and thumb drives - and it should stay there forever. But new techniques point to a curious future at the very least. One of the coolest strands seeks a different digital immersion, which involves real-time programming.

People vibrate and watch closely the codes introduced live as music spreads throughout the room.

According to the Wired reporter, the description of this new dance floor involves a stolidly laid musician in the middle of a dark room, typing codes non-stop. The only light comes from your machine and the LED background of your gaming keyboard. On the wall, a reproduction of the various lines currently being introduced on your PC.

The result comes in the form of a sound full of electronic textures, with crystalline drum cymbals intertwined in synth-powered harmonies. Around the "programmer DJ" are about 100 people, watching closely each of the functions reproduced on the big screen.

In an example that shows how the experience is different, the DJ loads a sound bank called "kitBleepFtech" and enters the "highGlobalDensity" command. A wave of drums bombard the speaker stacks and fill the room with a low shrill sound. The video projector begins to vibrate violently and the code on the screen merges into a pink-smudged blur. The crowd shouts and the artist inserts the following message into the exhibition: "the old standards are dead."

“Live coding” parties have been spreading around

"Live coding" parties are a recent phenomenon in the culture of underground electronic music. They currently have a modest circuit in small Silicon Valley scenes and at specific festivals - such as the Algorithmic Art Assembly in San Francisco.

The idea is to unite cyberactivism with various expressions and the same passion for programming. The programming of these meetings involves lectures on math and computing, music coding, use of algorithms and different devices for live performances - which also involve visual arts and performances.

dj music

Source: Algorithmic Art Assembly

In Brazil, the novelty lives in niches like “Cryptorave” and the whole thing seems to pulsate stronger in technological poles around the world. And you, what did you think of that? Ready to immerse yourself in this live-coded electronic music experience?

“DJs of the future” are programming instead of using pickup discs via TecMundo