Classic sculptures with mafia tattoos? Why not?

Fabio Viale is an Italian artist who sought to show us that it is possible to see classical statues in a modern, different and over-colored way. Basically, he sought to tattoo the body of various marble sculptures and create a different and innovative look.

Inspired by tattoos worn by Yakuza members as well as Russian gang people, Viale has given a new face to famous statues such as the Venus de Milo.

In a statement published in deMilked, the artist, who has been working since he was 16, said he is fascinated by the possibility of working with pieces made of marble as the material gives him a chance to create whatever he gets on the tile. The result? Check it out below and tell us what you think:

Classic sculptures with mafia tattoos? Why not?

Classic sculptures with mafia tattoos? Why not?

Classic sculptures with mafia tattoos? Why not?

Classic sculptures with mafia tattoos? Why not?

Classic sculptures with mafia tattoos? Why not?

Classic sculptures with mafia tattoos? Why not?

Classic sculptures with mafia tattoos? Why not?

Classic sculptures with mafia tattoos? Why not?

Classic sculptures with mafia tattoos? Why not?

Classic sculptures with mafia tattoos? Why not?