'Game of Clones' promises to be one of the most bizarre reality shows ever made.

No use denying: each of us has a well-defined image of a prince or princess in our mind. These are physical characteristics that usually cause us the most attraction, even if the most important in a relationship is the personality of those involved. With that in mind, Channel4, from the United Kingdom, debuted the reality show "Game of Clones" last Monday (27).

The idea is quite bizarre: the protagonist will dictate the physical attributes that appeal most to him, so producers will go after people who fit that profile perfectly. After selecting eight suitors, everyone will live in a house for a few weeks, always wearing the same outfit!

Eightfold Twins? Not! Just similar people wearing the same clothes

Each week, the applicant must eliminate one of the candidates, based on the romantic encounters they will have with each participant - all meetings will be equal, of course. According to producer David Flynn, the premise is to find the perfect partner within a stereotype of your own design! Sound crazy? Looks...

"It's a new twist on the dating show genre, combining everything we're doing in the younger media with cutting-edge entertainment that we hope will surprise the audience, " says Flynn. Will it work? How would you react if you entered a house with eight people identical to what you physically described as an "ideal partner"? Check out the trailer for this bold proposal: