Men tell when they stopped liking their girlfriends

Deciding to end a love relationship is never an easy thing, and after that happens, we often wonder when the person realized that they could no longer continue in that relationship. The Independent has published a series of male-only answers that explain why they stopped loving the person they were related to.

The answers were posted in a forum on Reddit, dedicated only to questions for the underwear. There, one of the users said he realized that things were over when a friend asked why he and his girlfriend were not getting married soon - "I said 'no' too quickly, " he said. The couple still spent a year together, and the relationship ended when he found out that he had been cheated on by her.

Another user said, quite simply, that "when she farted and I was just angry and no longer laughing" was when he realized that the relationship was over. So, right.

Signs of the End

A very significant response was that of a man who realized the relationship was over when he noticed that he no longer wanted to go home to where they both lived: “She was usually expecting me to have fun, and she was bitter if I worked at home. instead of dinner and watching movies with her for hours, ”he explained.

One of the users said the "chip dropped" during a couple's fight on Halloween. When his ex-girlfriend asked him if he didn't care about the fact that she was upset, he just realized he didn't really care, and broke up four days later.

One of the terms revealed in the forum was that of a couple who took a cruise together, with a very romantic schedule. After the trip was over, he told his wife that he no longer loved her and wanted a divorce.

Friends' love

There was also the classic dating affair that ended because it turned only into friendship. One of the users revealed that he really, really liked his girlfriend, but didn't want to go hand in hand with her, have sex or stay with her for a long time: “I started to realize that I was in the relationship because it was comfortable and safe, but there was no fire there for me anymore. ”

This last story, by the way, has had a lot of repercussions, and apparently many people are afraid that dating will eventually become a friendship story only. Of all the answers, one thing is very clear: when we are not comfortable with the person, the best thing to do is to end the relationship and avoid staying with someone by custom or convenience.


Now Mega wants to know from readers and readers: what makes a relationship come to an end for you?