Young burn victim becomes beauty example

Shalom Nachom was only 9 years old when he had a frying oil accident. As a result, she ended up with severe burns to her face, hands and shoulders. She also ended up losing part of her hair, which made her fall victim to bullying.

“Whenever I went out, I could see the children and older people staring at me, ” Shalom said. “I felt like a living statue, always on display. It made me rude and made me scold people many times, ”reveals the young woman.

Now 20, she is a beauty blogger and goes by the name of "Shalom Blac" on social networks. Its goal is to teach the “art of composition” and inspire its followers to accept themselves as they are. “You must love yourself, with or without makeup, ” says the young woman in one of her videos. “Makeup is not the reason why I am happy. I'm like this because I love myself, ”he concludes.