'Talking' cigarette packs are created in Scotland to combat addiction

Scottish scientists have set up a system that can be implemented on cigarette packs and inform smokers of the problems that the habit can cause. The peculiar detail is that the messages are emitted by sounds, as if cigarettes "talk" to people. This is one of the measures that the country's authorities are taking to reduce the number of Scottish smokers - they want to reduce the smokers from 23% to 5%.

Audio messages warn of the possibilities of infertility and cancer caused by the habit, providing a telephone number for those who want to quit and find it difficult. Studies say that, as strange as the concept may sound, it is quite effective. Details of engine operation were not provided.

A study of a group of 14- and 64-year-old women has yielded very optimistic results, and further research will be conducted in the coming weeks with men and women of different ages. According to the researchers, they need more accurate studies to assess the impact on audiences of various age groups.

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Alison Cox of the Cancer Research UK Foundation (which funded much of the study) says this is an opportunity to see how tobacco industry marketing tools can be used to combat smokers' addiction - rather than be used to stimulate consumption.