Mount Etna: Europe's highest volcano is now on Google Street View

By completing its second year as part of UNESCO's World Heritage Site, Europe's largest volcano, Mount Etna, is now also part of Street View. Google has mapped the entire uphill and downhill trail, allowing anyone in the world to explore both craters without leaving home.

Etna's first crater, called Silvestri, is about 2, 000 meters above sea level, and the second, Silvani, is at the top, over 3, 000 meters. The mountain as a whole is 3, 350 m high.

Of course, this volcano has not been mapped with the famous Street View cars that have explored inhospitable streets and places around the world. For this task, a simpler equipment was used, which could be washed by a person like a backpack.

Google Street View is also available in places like Loch Ness and the Amazon Rainforest. There are other volcanic areas on the service list, including peaks in Hawaii, Oregon and Arizona (USA) and Japan.

Via TecMundo.