Bad news for those who enjoy drinking sparkling water

Many people find that dropping soda is a good choice - and it is. The point is that there are people out there substituting one carbonated drink for another, after all the logic that sparkling water is not bad, after all we are talking about water, seems quite sensible, doesn't it? Well ... Not so much.

Unfortunately, drinking sparkling water does not seem to be a healthy choice, contrary to what it may seem. Carbonated water is made with carbon dioxide under pressure, which is bad for your teeth and, to make matters worse, can contribute to some people's weight gain.

According to London-based dentist Adam Thorne, the problem is that most people don't know that sparkling water is extremely acidic, and that their bubbles are great at corroding the enamel on our teeth - in the long run, that is. It makes our teeth weak and yellow.

There are controversies

For Edmond R. Hewlett of the American Dental Association, what makes acidic water is the addition of flavors: “It is the taste and not the carbonation that lowers the PH (and increases the acidity) to a level that can potentially corrode the water. dental enamel, ”he said in a statement published in The Sun.

According to Hewlett, there are studies that prove that unflavored carbonated waters, like normal water, have very low erosive potential, posing no risk to tooth enamel.

Still, it has been proven that sparkling water can make us fatter even if it has no calories. This is because the carbon dioxide in the drink can make us feel hungry, and we end up eating more than we would have if we had ingested normal, still, non-carbonated water.

In the same research it was found that carbonated water increases the levels of the ghrelin hormone, which causes us hunger - and we are not talking about anything, but an increase that reaches up to six times.