NASA Releases Amazing Images of Kepler Supernova

(Image source: Reproduction / Chandra X-Ray Observatory)

Imagine if Johannes Kepler - famous astronomer who observed the emergence of a new star in 1604 - could have access to the equipment and technology we have available today!

We now know that the extremely bright star observed by Kepler - and named after him - is actually the remnants of a supernova, originated from the explosion of a star millions of years ago. According to information posted on the mission's website, such fragments remain active, and scientists monitor their activity through the Chandra X-ray Observatory, launched in 1999 by NASA.

The image shows variations in energy levels captured by x-rays, and reveals the shape adopted by the star burst. In addition, the above representation is the result of more than 200 hours of observations made in 2006, suggesting that the explosion may have been much more powerful and occurred at a much greater distance than previously thought.

Source: Chandra X-Ray Observatory