What would happen if all the water on Earth suddenly disappeared?

Ever wonder if all the water suddenly disappeared from the earth? What would happen to our no longer blue planet? If you thought of death, chaos, destruction, terror, you are right. Such a drastic change from one moment to the next obviously won't let you out unharmed. All of humanity would go from this to a better one. Let's imagine the scenario.

First of all, suppose water is unexpectedly replaced by air. In this case, the first to feel the difference would be bathers, fishermen, divers, sailors, etc. If you were in the shallow, just enjoying a beach, for example, would survive at first, perhaps with some scratches and bruises.

People on boats at sea would not have many chances. The crash would last a few seconds and cause the boats to break to pieces. To give you an idea of ​​the fall, take a look at this video. Produced by the US National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), it shows a little of what the ocean floor looks like:

Maybe a whale or another dampens the impact of some navigations, but the chances of survival are minimal. Either way, falling into a broken boat on top of dying whales shouldn't be cool.

People on seaplanes on the high seas could last a little longer on land, but only with the pilot's luck and quick thinking. He would have to, in a few seconds, get over the scare and start the engines to try to land somewhere safer. Difficult, but possible.

Returning to the whales, they would die quickly, just like the other sea animals. Those closest to the surface would also fall and the fall, as in the case of boats, would not be legal. Eventually, everyone would suffocate anyway.

More deaths on continents

But do not think that life on land would be easy. Without water to drink, the animals would dehydrate and die in a few days. Make no mistake, we are animals and we would die sooner or later too. Possibly very early.

The plants would not resist either. Without water, obviously there is no water cycle or rain. Forests would dry in a few months and all this dead and dry vegetation would inevitably lead to fires. Needless to mention the impacts on global warming, right ?! Without water to control the temperature, the earth would be worse than an oven.

Fortunately, the ocean will not suddenly disappear. It will even dry up one day, just as the sun will die etc. But we may not be here to see all this. Good, right ?!

* Originally posted 09/04/2014.