Banksy's New Critical Graffiti Made in New York

Graffiti artist Banksy is known for his critical works scattered around the world, although no one knows exactly what his identity is. Some even try to take a picture while others formulate theories about who it is, but confirmation on their part does not yet exist.

Banksy usually works hidden at night. His works come “out there” when we least expect it. In recent days, he has been to New York, where he has left a fresh wave of graffiti with political and satirical messages about the current state of the world. Check out some:

1. In Brooklyn, this work appeared next to an abandoned gas station showing a businessman, probably from the real estate business, thinking only of profits and driving out former residents.


2. A close to the work above


3. At the same gas station, but on another wall, Banksy drew a seal with a ball in his nose


4. Banksy's two new works in New York


5. In Manhattan, the graffiti artist represented Turkish artist Zehra Dogan, who was sentenced to nearly 3 years in prison for designing the city of Nusaybin, which was destroyed by local state forces.


6. Zehra's work that generated his arrest


7. Zehra's panel was project above Banksy's critique


8. Also in Manhattan, Banksy made a mouse at the intersection of 14th Street and 6th Avenue.


9. On a bridge in Manhattan, the graffiti artist drew a little boy
