To Support Child With Cancer, Dad Tattoos Like Kid's Scar

Cancer is a word that scares even those who do not live with the disease, but the scare is certainly greater among those who need to deal with this type of diagnosis. Fortunately, in many cases treatments work, and the chances of cure are considerable, especially when the disease is discovered early.

When Gabriel Marshall was diagnosed with brain cancer in March 2015 at the age of 6, the news caused a stir in the whole family, which from the outset did everything to support it. The surgery Gabriel underwent shortly after his diagnosis left a large scar on his head, and as a way to support his son and increase his confidence, Gabriel's father, Josh Marshall, tattooed an equal mark on his own head.

Proof of love

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The image of the father with the tattoo next to the son with the scar ended up viralizing after being posted on Instagram. In a statement published on Bored Panda, Josh said he never imagined that the photo would receive so many likes and positive comments.

Gabriel's recovery may be accompanied by a Facebook group, which the family made to disclose information about the boy's health. Since the surgery, which was done over a year ago, the boy has made a lot of progress, although not all the tumor has been removed.

The image was first publicized by an Instagram profile dedicated to posting motivational photos. In the caption was the following text: “One is a true scar. Another is a tattoo to show support and make you feel normal. Father of the year? Do you agree?