Ponta Grossa approves Cuca Beludo with maximum grade in contest

Grade 5 is really fascinating: even years after school, we still have fun with really bad jokes. For many years, hoaxes involving names like Tomas Turbando and Cuca Beludo, for example, have been used on television and radio stations, but also on the Internet - some readers have used funny nicks like these to comment on Mega.

But no one imagined that something serious like a public tender would approve such a candidate. And didn't that happen? The ParanĂ¡ Department of Penitentiary (Depen) held a competition to fill vacancies of prison officers in the public chain of the city of Ponta Grossa, 110 kilometers from Curitiba. And who was one of the candidates who scored top marks in the title test? Cuca Beludo!

Yes, dear readers, Ponta Grossa approved Cuca Beludo. The jokes are released!


The proof that Cuca Beludo was in third place

According to the Secretary of Public Security and Administration (Sesp), in a statement to the G1, this is a Simplified Selective Process (PSS), in which applicants only fill in securities information over the internet, and the classification is automatically generated. Cuca Beludo scored 100, the maximum, and was in third place. However, he lost his job because he did not appear in person to prove his identity and titles - why is it?


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